The Waste Word

by Filippo Barbera


For Michael Young | Il miglior fabbro

Merit is the cruellest word, breeding

Talents out of the dead end, mixing

Ascription and achievement, stirring

Strong ties with smart brains.

Family kept us warm, covering

School in forgetful snow, feeding

A little market with dried innovations.



Filippo Barbera

Filippo Barbera (Ph.D 2002, University of Milano) is Associate Professor of Economic Sociology at the University of Torino (Dep. of Cultures, Politics and Society) where he teaches “Local Development”, “Applied Sociological Theory” and “Social Innovation”. He is also Honorary Visiting Professor at the University of Cardiff and founding member of the collective for the foundational economy. His research interests are local development of marginal areas, foundational economy and social innovation. From March 2010 he has been affiliated to the Collegio Carlo Alberto.

His recent publications include: Alternative Food Networks: An Interdisciplinary Assessment, Palgrave Macmillan (2018, in print, eds. with A. Corsi, E. Dansero, C. Peano); The Foundational Economy (Collective for the Foundational Economy, Manchester University Press, 2018); Innovatori sociali, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2018, in print, with T. Parisi); Development, in G. Ritzer, (ed) International Encyclopedia of Sociology, London, Basil Blackwell, 2016.